Dear Church Family,

This has been a season of great uncertainty and change. Over the last several months, we’ve continued to navigate the realities of a global pandemic, a statewide quarantine, political tensions, the resurgence of the Civil Rights movement, and it’s only June. It has been a time of uncertainty, fear, frustration, and division. In this season, more than ever, it is crucial that we come together as the family of God in unity and love. To that end, we are excited to announce that as we continue to move through this time, we will do so as ONE Family, at ONE Table, through ONE Service at 10:30AM on Sundays in the Sanctuary.

Beyond the spiritual and social benefits this arrangement presents, it really makes sense at this time. We are currently only offering one service, but doing it twice. As a result, we have to recruit twice the ushers, twice the cleaning crew, and our team has to do twice the work to produce the same experience. Moving into the future we will be reintroducing various aspects of worship such as children’s church, nursery, Sunday School, worship team, choir, etc. By bringing us all together, we will be better situated to pool resources to assure the best experience for all parties involved.

We are uncertain about how this will manifest and how long it will continue. One of our Deacons put it best during a recent meeting. He said, “This time has been marked by isolation, division, and brokenness. What we really need to do is heal together.” I couldn’t agree more with that sentiment. Division is running rampant in our society. Sickness is the hallmark of this time in history. There has never in my life been clearer opportunity for the church to shine as a light in the darkness, providing a picture of the hope and healing of what can and should be through Christ.

Again, starting next Sunday, June 21, we will be offering ONE worship service at 10:30AM in the Sanctuary. We hope that you will expectantly and humbly join us as we settle into this season for this time. We believe God, as is always the case, is doing a new thing in our midst. As we make our way to the other side of this COVID crisis and the societal issues that continue to plague us, it is our hope that we will be a community that comes together as ONE to bring glory to the ONE who saved our souls and made us part of His ONE family.

Grace and Peace, 

Rev. Dr. Jeremy S. Myers

Senior Pastor

First Baptist Church